• Is Vietnam The Right Place To Visit For Your Next Vacations?

    Credibility of our team in providing you the best customer experience

    Looking for some elegant place for your next trip? Then you have come to the right place, as we offer Vietnam tourist visa and Vietnam business visa. Pack your bags and get ready for your visit, but there are few things that everyone must know, that is Vietnam is one of the most beautiful countries with rich history and culture. It’s an amazing country to pay a visit to. The country is cherished with the beauty of nature and is full of natural wonders and attractions, those will please you undoubtedly.

    If you are thinking about visiting Vietnam then you must get informed about Hoi-An lantern festival which is held every month. This lantern festival is a long-term followed tradition of setting lanterns into the river as an offering to the ancestors as well as God. Lantern festival makes the city more beautiful and pleasing during the nights.

    You must have made your mind till now; if you’re ready then nextly you would need to apply for a Vietnam tourist visa or Vietnam business visa depending upon the purpose of your visit. We at applyvietnamvisa.org assist you by making the visa application process easy for you.

    Our expertise is in providing both the services i.e. Vietnam tourist visa and Vietnam business visa. Our team is always concerned about providing the best customer experience. We have multiple visa type option available for our customers so that they have ease in selecting the package depending upon their requirements. Also, we have offers in association with the processing time based on the needs of our customers.


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  • Content:

     1.1 - What is so far known about Vietnam e-visa?

     1.2 - Why Vietnam e-visa leads in its segment?

     1.3 - What are the application steps to be followed for Vietnam e-visa?


    To some or other, attending to foreign locations may look hassle-free while differents gets worried. And, the reason is not hidden for everyone. Availing visa for a particular country without pain seems like swimming through a river while enjoying. We won’t be discussing ahead other than the details about Vietnam e-visa. If you are one of those unaccustomed to merits and demerits of Vietnam e-visa, definitely we are going to fill it in you. Why Vietnam electronic visa must be chosen over other variants? How is it different from Vietnam visa on arrival? Also, which are the constraints comes free with it? All will be spoken in regard.               


    What is so far known about Vietnam e-visa?


    This was introduced by Vietnam Immigration Department in February 2017 for leveraging the foreigners with elimination of Vietnam Embassy visit in-person and send off the passport and other documents by post. Nationals of 80 countries only are authorized to get in hands the Vietnam e-visa for the sake of their identity, security and administration concerns.


    Major drawback of this visa is valid for 1 month only and travelers are eligible for single entry merely as well. Else in the case of Vietnam visa on arrival, this time period can be extended to 3 months multiple entry; 6 months and 1 year multiple entry scheme is available on US passports only. Second restriction blocks the way in its relish is granted for tourism purpose only and not for business, family or relative visits.



    Why Vietnam e-visa leads in its segment?


    Though its processing time is given a lighter consideration, non-refundable fees of 25 USD is only inflicted to obtain Vietnam e-visa. Whilst others aspects has to be noticed, VOA levies approval letter and stamping fee together to serve the outsiders. A Vietnam e-visa get processed in 3 to 5 working days and that’s a flaw over VOA. Topic of entry ports if sails away during the debate, be informed a distinct passport holder can get inside Vietnam by land, water or sea referencing to 28 entry ports.


    What are the application steps to be followed for Vietnam e-visa?


         Link your browser to the online portal of Applyvietnamvisa.

         Press the tab of Apply E-Visa.

         Put up the general and contact details in the Visa Options section.

         Forward to applicant details.

         Make the payment.

         Review your visa application.

         Submit the visa form.


    We will check the errors if contained in your application on our part and transmit it to Vietnam Immigration Department. On the ready of your E-visa, we will receive that document and transfer it to your inbox on the rendered email address.


    Vietnam e-visa is pertinent piece of electronic matter that bestows you convenience in reaching Vietnam. If you don’t want to be consisted in the long queue at airports for visa stamp acquire, E-visa is the best method to go after for sufficing your intentions. Leave off the sneak peek to Vietnam tourist destinations on your laptop and get out of your bedroom to explore Vietnam at entirety through the resources of Applyvietnamvisa.


    For other details, please feel free to get in touch with us via email: support@applyvietnamvisa.org.


    Have a nice trip!

    Applyvietnamvisa.org Team




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  • Content:

    1.1 - How is the geographical face and seasons in Vietnam?

    1.2 - Is Vietnamese culture isolated from the guess?

    1.3 - What are the experiences in Vietnam not to be missed out?


    Stepping to the lands of foreign country for tourism or business goals is more like an adventure than visit-with-purpose. Vietnam across the globe is just the same to a passable country, recalled by masses for ingredients of Hanoi, motorbike populace, Ao Dai traditional garment, nation-made coffee, Pho & Vietnamese Rice dishes, street foods, province specific beer, natural landscapes, ancient town Hoi An and it has few flaws if any. Let self know that all of these could be your resource of enjoyment when Vietnam electronic visa would be with you. Now don’t act as if you are unknown to way for possessing it. That’s what we say, if impeccable visa service is which you are after, Applyvietnamvisa is the undeniable answer. Considering the dominance of digital platform all over, Vietnam Immigration Department thought to give a try to virtual visa mode “Vietnam electronic visa” and that emerged as convenience to non-native while money-spinning to Vietnamese economy.


    How is the geographical face and seasons in Vietnam?


    Coming to know you have a familiar in Vietnam, no constraints would get up. But, if you have to step in as naive, tour package obtainment is the best in rest option. On acquiring Vietnam electronic visa, Indians should choose a Vietnam tour package for exploring the solid ground located on the south-eastern end corner of the Indo-China peninsula fenced with China to the North & Laos and Cambodia to the west. Breathing beside the sea, Vietnam gains a tremendous amount of water based resources calling beaches and marine biodiversity. You would get to sensate distinct winter and summer season in Vietnam for the cause it has November to April cool environment with an average of temperature 17-22 degree Celsius and coldest influence between January to March. If rain is your love and holiday is an expect Vietnam electronic visa would grant you the occasion to sentience hot and humid summer in May to October interval with the amalgam of highest rainfall.


    Is Vietnamese culture isolated from the guess?


    As and when you are permitted to store natural and artificial sceneries in eyes, Vietnamese culture looks irresistible to ignore. Cost of Vietnam electronic visa is included in the set of fun either. Entirely fascinating domain is what Vietnamese is into. Dong Son drums is a sort of traditional Vietnamese art practiced by Vietnamese artists connected to ancient times. Same reflects the Chinese domination art which is heavily affected by art of Buddhist in China and added Taoism & Confucianism. Except for lifestyle their cuisine is also cultural.    


    Cost of Happiness Hovers Somewhere Around Application Expense of Vietnam Electronic Visa


    What are the experiences in Vietnam not to be missed out?


    Though we have the habit of telling much in a little, get a know how that Vietnam electronic visa empowers you to live each moment of fantastic cruise in Halong Bay and visit to the Dinh Huong & Ga Choi islands on the land of Hanoi. Witness the Water Puppet Show here to tick up one in the list of amazing. Cu Chi Tunnels is the only network of underground tunnels, recognized as the important base during American War due to its strategic location feature. Vietnam electronic visa let you access the Vietcong-manufactured 200km long network of tunnels that is attached with the command posts, hospitals, shelters and weapon factories.      


    Besides so much in the sack, Vietnam electronic visa should be the priority in your scheduled, owing to the business germination and expansion scope here. There are numerous supporting factors in Vietnam, committed to make your goal a success whether it be a fantabulous trip or financially rewarding professional opportunity. 


    For other details, please feel free to get in touch with us via email: support@applyvietnamvisa.org.

    Have a nice trip!

    Applyvietnamvisa.org Team





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  • Table of Content:

    1.1 - What is E-visa or Electronic Visa for Vietnam?

    1.2 - Which countries are on the list those can apply Vietnam  electronic visa?

    1.3 - What is the fee required to be paid to apply Vietnam  electronic visa?

    1.4 - How to get on in order to apply Vietnam electronic visa?

    What is E-visa or Electronic Visa for Vietnam?

    Electronic visa for Vietnam is an authorized travel document issued by the Vietnam Immigration Department, proving the valid stay for up to 30 days in continuance. When foreigners apply Vietnam electronic visa, they receive it in the PDF format. This instance, no stamp or label is required to put on the passport. E-visa acts as an entrance provider to journey to and within Vietnam for an array of reasons, realizing as tourism, business, relative or friend visit, investment, journalism, corporate visitation, jobs, study, summit and around these. By the allowance of this kind of visa, you can enter Vietnam through any of international ports that can be land ports, sea ports or airports. After you have processed the steps to apply Vietnam electronic visa one month single entry visa will be delivered to you.

    How to Apply Vietnam Electronic Visa through the Digital Platform and What are its Advantages?


    Which countries are on the list, those can apply Vietnam electronic visa?

    80 countries across the world has been approved by the Vietnam Government to obtain Vietnam E-visa.


    No         COUNTRY CODE      COUNTRY

    1.             AND                         Andorra
    2.             ARG                         Argentina
    3.             ARM                        Armenia
    4.             AUS                         Australia
    5.             AUT                         Austria
    6.             AZE                         Azerbaijan
    7.             BLR                         Belarus
    8.             BEL                         Belgium
    9.             BIH                          Bosnia and Herzegovina
    10.             BRA                         Brazil
    11.             BRN                        Bruney
    12.             BGR                        Bulgaria
    13.             CAN                        Canada
    14.             CHL                         Chile
    15.             CHN                        China                                                                                       ·Including Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR passport holders                                                ·Not apply to Chinese e-passport holders
    16.             COL                        Colombia
    17.             HRV                       Croatia
    18.             CUB                       Cuba
    19.             CYP                       Cyprus
    20.             CZE                       Czech Republic
    21.             DNK                       Denmark
    22.             EST                        Estonia
    23.             FJI                          Fiji
    24.             FIN                         Finland
    25.             FRA                        France
    26.             GEO                       Georgia
    27.             DE                          Germany
    28.             GRC                       Greece
    29.             HUN                        Hungary
    30.             ISL                           Iceland
    31.             IND                          India
    32.             IRL                          Ireland
    33.             ITA                          Italy
    34.             JPN                        Japan
    35.             KAZ                        Kazakhstan
    36.             KOR                       Korea (South)
    37.             LVA                         Latvia
    38.             LIE                          Liechtenstein
    39.             LTU                         Lithuania
    40.             LUX                         Luxembourg
    41.             MKD                        Macedonia The former Yugoslav of
    42.             MLT                         Malta
    43.             MHL                        Marshall Islands
    44.             MEX                        Mexico
    45.             FSM                        Micronesia Federated States of
    46.             MDA                        Moldova
    47.             MCO                        Monaco
    48.             MNG                        Mongolia
    49.             MNE                        Montenegro
    50.             MMR                       Myanmar
    51.             NRU                        Nauru
    52.             NLD                         Netherland
    53.             NZL                         New Zealand
    54.             NOR                        Norway
    55.             PLW                         Palau
    56.             PAN                         Panama
    57.             PNG                         Papua New Guinea
    58.             PER                         Peru
    59.              PHL                        Philippines
    60.              POL                        Poland
    61.              PRT                        Portugal
    62.              QAT                        Qatar
    63.              ROU                       Romania
    64.              RUS                       Russia
    65.              WSM                      Samoa
    66.              SMR                       San Marino
    67.              SRB                        Serbia
    68.              SVK                        Slovakia
    69.              SVN                        Slovenia
    70.              SLB                         Solomon Islands
    71.              ESP                         Spain
    72.              SWE                        Sweden
    73.              CHE                        Switzerland
    74.               TLS                        Timor Leste
    75.              ARE                        United Arab Emirates
    76.             GBR                         United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern  Ireland
    77.              USA                         United States of America
    78.              URY                         Uruguay
    79.              VUT                         Vanuatu
    80.              VEN                         Venezuela


    What is the fee required to be paid to apply Vietnam electronic visa?

    As to one month tourist visa for single entry, outsiders will be charged 35 USD. On the contrary, one month business visa with single entry is priced at 45 USD. In reference to the told, no stamping fee has to be paid at the arrival port.

    How to get on in order to apply Vietnam electronic visa?

    In line to apply Vietnam electronic visa, you have to match up with following steps:

    ·Type in the requirement of visa you wish to have.

    ·Upload essentials like 4*6 cm photo with white background and passport.

    ·Review the application and confirm the payment.

    Minors with their own passport must fill up their complete E-Visa application and those aged 14 or under attached in their parent’s passport must be included on their parent’s E-visa application as well. Do not forget to keep a copy of E-Visa always with yourself when inside Vietnam. A must to adhere action is to not fall into the suspension cases from entry as prescribed in Article 21 of law on foreigners in connection with entry, exit, transit and residence in Vietnam rules.      

    On the completion of the above process, we will perform the next step and send the visa to your email id within 3 to 4 working days. Get a print out of your E-Visa and carry with self at arriving port in Vietnam.

    Please refer to these useful details when you have to apply Vietnam electronic visa. In regard to your specific query about the procedure to apply Vietnam electronic visa, feel independent to attain resolutions from us via email: support@applyvietnamvisa.org or call to handheld: (+84).899.33.12.12. We assure you of the best support in needed moments always.  

    Spend a cheerful day!

    Applyvietnamvisa.org Team 

    votre commentaire
  • Marked its existence on the eastern Indochina peninsula, Vietnam is ever pleasing country for foreigners, approaching with the proposal of touring in its city. More than its landscape beauty, scenery from the surface of water bodies is delighting. Now if you have reached the state of mind to journey in Vietnam, you must know about Vietnam visa on arrival option to get there. In this application mode, you will have to apply for a visa online through the portal of Applyvietnamvisa. You will be asked to feed them general information, applicant details and personal data to process it further. On successful submission of the request, you will be notified through phone and email.


    Vietnam Visa on Arrival Pave To Stunning Yacht Charter Experience


    As opted by you the choice among normal, urgent, super urgent and holiday service during application, you will receive an approval letter accordingly. Vietnam visa on arrival feature consent you to obtain the approval letter within half an hour to 48 hours, depending on the urgency level. After you fly off to Vietnam with approval letter, your passport will be stamped with Vietnam visa on documents and cash submission at the counter of international airports within Vietnam. Now as an authorized national, you can roam freely on the streets, check in hotels or hire yachts. Oh! Wait a moment. With the name yacht, a fabulous thought hit my mind.  


    Travellers already applied for Vietnam visa on arrival or yet to finalise the decision, must include the yacht charter schedule in their current list. This sentience will let you explore stunning beaches, sublime scenery, delicious cuisine and fascinating history. In summation, you will acquire the eventuality to escape to hidden bay or indulge in vision of natural aspect. Thus, Vietnam visa on arrival will grant you new explorative edge to trip in Vietnam.                        


    What affairs you must do in Vietnam during yacht charter service?


         Sightsee breath-taking natural wonders

         Perform snorkelling

         Relax on sun-kissed beach

         Dance on desired tunes

         Consume accomplished-cook made dinner


    On the obtainment of Vietnam visa on arrival, you become eligible to visit the north’s Halong Bay or the bay of descending dragons without breaking the bank. In the north, surviving Hanoi will endow you the old and new mix with Chinese and French influences. Ho Chi Minh city in south will exhibit you the bursting motorbikes, restaurants, coffee shops, bars, temples and museum. So, now you know there are many advantages of gaining Vietnam visa on arrival. In center of Vietnam, your attention would be grabbed by spectacular Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park and riverside town of Hoi An. Nigh to Lao Cham - eighteenth century buildings, art galleries, tailors, food markets and numerous cafes line down the path are enough to spark your interest to stay in the heart of Vietnam for a few more days.


    Vietnam visa on arrival will definitely convert all your such dream in reality if you select to voyage in Vietnam. Sandy mountains, secluded bays and deserted off-shore islands are the venues where you would wish to halt for minutes at least for recording all those pictures in your mind. Impose your trust on us if we say a casual hook up with Vietnam through Vietnam visa on arrival will compel you to fall in love with the wonders of this country.                  





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